1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A new challenger approaches. Abort mission. All done. Arcade mode. Are you ready. Attack my target. Attack your target. Backward. Begin. Begin mission. Blue. Boss fight. Building complete. Captured. Call for backup. Championship mode. Choose your character. Choose your opponent. Combo. Combo breaker. Continue. Correct. Cover me! Credits. Danger. Deathmatch. Defeat. Destination. Defend your position. Down. Draw. Drop your weapon. Earth. East. Eliminate. Eliminated. Enemies in range. Engaging with agressive tactics. Engaging with defensive tactics. Exit. Failure. Fantastic. Fight. Final fight. Final round. Fire in the hole! Flawless. Flawless victory. Follow me. Forward. Game over. Game start. Get down if you want to live. Get down! Get ready. Give up. Go away. Go go go! Go! Godlike. Green. Help. Highscore. Hold! Hurry up. I cannot build there. I cannot do that. I'm hit. I'm hurt. I'm too tired. Ignite. Insert coin. Insert coin to play. Its a tie. Jupiter. Kill her. Kill him. Kill it. Left. Lets Go. Lets fight. Level. Level complete. Level up. Life up. Load game. Lock on to my target. Look out! Loser. Lower your weapon. Mars. Medic! Mercury. Mission abandoned. Mission accomplished. Mission complete. Mission completed. Mission failed. Mission over. Moon. Multikill. Neptune. New game. New highscore. North. North east. North west. Objective failed. Objective achieved. Objective complete. Okay. On my way. Orders confirmed. Orders understood. Pause. Paused. Perfect. Perfection. Planet. Player 1. Player 2. Player 3. Player 4. Player lost. Player won. Pluto. Point captured. Power down. Power lost. Power up. Prepare for battle. Prepare yourself. RPG! Ready for battle. Ready? Red. Reloading. Requesting cover. Requesting permission to engage. Restart. Right. Round. Round 1. Round 2. Round 3. Round 4. Saturn. Save game. Set... Settings. Shields are back up. Shields down. Sniper! South. South east. South west. Special. Start game. Stop game. Stop. Story mode. Stun. Stunned. Success. Sudden death. Sun. Supressing fire! Surrender. Surrender or die. Survival mode. Taking fire. Target destroyed. Target engaged. Target in range. Target lost. There are no resources. Tie. Tie breaker. Time. Time over. Time up. Try again. Untouchable. Up. Upgrade. Uranus. Venus. Versus. Victory. Watch my back! We need iron. We need stone. We need food. We need wood. We need power. We need more resources. Well done. West. Winner. Win. Wrong. Yellow. Yes. You lose. You need more credits. You win. Your score is. Battle mode. Congratulations. Enemy captured. Hostage freed. Hostages executed. Lets do this. Stealth termination confirmed. Target eliminated.